Details on the 2025 Northeast Tionól will be posted here when online registration opens in July 2025.
Registration entitles you to all classes, workshops, lectures, and concerts. See the schedule for details on when these events take place (note that this schedule may change slightly for 2025; we will post an updated schedule closer to the date of the tionól).
The general format of the tionól is as follows:
- Classes (for pipes and for fiddle) happen on Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. You are assigned an instructor based on your skill level; you’ll have one instructor in the morning and one instructor in the afternoon.
- Workshops happen on Sunday afternoon. These are focused on specific topics, such as regulator playing (for pipers), ornamentation, or exploring the repertoire of a particular iconic musician, for example. You get to choose your workshop.
- Reedmaking is typically offered as a continuous workshop from Saturday through early Sunday afternoon. The reedmaking workshop ends in time for you to attend one of the regular workshops on Sunday afternoon.
- Pipes Clinic is offered all weekend on a drop-in basis: pipers can bring up to two sets of pipes for tweaking, fixing problems, etc.
- Concerts happen on Friday night and Saturday night. The Piper’s Chair concert, essentially an open mic (with a sign-up sheet in advance) happens on Sunday night.